Drone & Données
Admin / Aircraft Details / Equipment Check / Section 1: Theory Check
KRANTH SARL- Practical Flight Assessment
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Catégorie: Admin
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Select the Country
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Is this an additional PFT for this candidate?
5 / 20
I confirm I have seen photo ID that proves who the candidate is.
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Catégorie: Equipment Check
I confirm I have discussed equipment with the candidate
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Catégorie: Aircraft Details
Select Aircraft Make and Model
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Aircraft Make and Model
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Aircraft Category
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Does this aircraft have a non-GPS mode (e.g. atti mode) that can be manually activated?
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Catégorie: Section 1: Theory Check
What would happen to your aircraft if it loses GNSS (GPS) ?
12 / 20
How do you think the topography (landscape) of the operational area will effect the wind and how will that impact the Practical Flight Test?
13 / 20
What documents should you have with you for each UAS operation you undertake?
14 / 20
What will happen to your aircraft it suddenly loses power?
15 / 20
If a manned aircraft saw your aircraft what is the pilot trained do?
16 / 20
If you see a manned aircraft, that you perceive to be a risk, during your Practical Flight Test what should you do?
17 / 20
Should we fly in fog? (ask them to explain their answer)
18 / 20
Where in your QRH do you turn to after an incident and how do you report it?
19 / 20
If you have a unrecoverable fly away near a CTR or ATZ what information should you give to ATC to help them manage the situation?
20 / 20
Who is legally responsible for any flight you make?
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Section 2: Site Assessment / Section 3: Aircraft Setup / Section 4: Flight Manoeuvres
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Catégorie: Section 2: Site Assessment
Has the candidate correctly identified the airspace where the PFT is taking place?
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Has the candidate checked for NOTAMs and airspace restrictions?
5 / 38
6 / 38
Has the candidate correctly prepared for any NOTAMS or airspace restrictions if applicable?
7 / 38
How well did the candidate identify obstructions appropriate to the location?
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How well did the candidate mitigate the risk of any identified obstructions?
9 / 38
How well did the candidate identify the risk to un-involved people at the location?
10 / 38
How well did the candidate mitigate any risk to the identified un-involved people?
11 / 38
How well did the candidate identify other risks at the location?
12 / 38
How well did the candidate mitigate any other identified risks?
13 / 38
How much consideration did the candidate give to any other external factors e.g. the weather?
14 / 38
Please enter any additional comments
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Catégorie: Section 3: Aircraft Setup
How was the safety briefing given by the candidate including safety procedures and correctly identifying the objectives of the intended operation?
16 / 38
Has the candidate checked the general condition of the aircraft and that the UAS is suitable for the intended operation?
17 / 38
Has the candidate checked that everything is secure on the aircraft and that the selected payload is compatible with the UAS being used for the operation?
18 / 38
Has the candidate checked the control link to aircraft?
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Has the candidate checked and carried out any calibration of the aircraft if required?
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Has the candidate checked the battery levels and cell balance (fuel levels for combustion engines)?
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Has the candidate checked what the failsafe settings are for the aircraft in case of a loss of control link?
22 / 38
Has the candidate set the geo-fencing (if available) appropriately for the location of the assessment?
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How was the candidate's general understanding of the setup procedures, including setting the direct remote identification system (if fitted).?
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How was the candidate's use of the Operations Manual (QRH) in setting up the aircraft safely?
25 / 38
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Catégorie: Section 4: Flight Manoeuvres
Was the candidate able to demonstrate taking off, transitioning into forward flight (for multirotor and helicopter) at different speeds, before safely approaching and landing?
27 / 38
Was the candidate able to carry out lateral manoeuvres, combine lateral and vertical movements as well as carry out precision hovering (for multirotor and helicopter)?
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An unexpected person enters the operational area. Was the candidate able to take the correct evasive action?
30 / 38
Was the candidate able to take their aircraft to 400ft and successfully deal with an aircraft incursion?
31 / 38
There is an emergency situation. Was the candidate able to activate the failsafe procedure correctly?
32 / 38
There is a loss of GPS (if available) and the aircraft is in a constant tight turn. Was the candidate able to recover to a landing at the primary take off site?
33 / 38
Was the candidate able to correctly demonstrate the recovery of the aircraft when the control link is lost?
34 / 38
How effectively did the candidate maintain VLOS and situational awareness throughout the flight, including real time monitoring of aircraft status?
35 / 38
How well did the candidate verbalise take-off, landing and emergency calls,and perform 360s before take-off and landing?
36 / 38
How well did the candidate pay attention to the aircraft going live as well as safely and securely shutting down the UAS post flight?
37 / 38
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